1.1 World War One (In One Take)
A highly engaging overview of World War One in six minutes!
Run time: 05:27
1.2 Whose Fault Was It?
We interview Europe’s leaders on the eve of war to explore the underlying tensions and rivalries.
Run time: 06:46
1.3 The Slide To War
A fast-paced newscast charting the order and speed of events leading to the outbreak of war.
Run time: 01:54
1.4 Why Did Men Sign Up?
Was it just for ‘King and Country’? We explore why men were motivated to sign up, and why they kept fighting.
Run time: 04:21
1.5 Battle Of The Somme
General Sir Douglas Haig is in the spotlight to defend his strategy on the ill-fated first day of the Somme.
Run time: 04:21
1.6 Weapons In The Trenches
Our panel of judges consider which weapons would be most effective on the Western Front.
Run time: 06:07
1.7.1 Dulce Et Decorum Est
Explore the harsh realities of war with this iconic poem by Wilfred Owen
Run time: 01:17
1.7.2 The Soldier
Rupert Brooke delivers a more optimistic view on the soldiers' experience
Run time: 02:47
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